Saturday, May 19, 2018

1.    Introduction / Background

Cloud ready application Architecture must implement service discovery and externalized configuration as key design patterns in addition to other key design tenets such as isolation, security, idempotency etc.

A   cloud   ready   application   architecture must  follow  certain  design  principles  – few    of    them    being    loose    coupling between    application    components    and properties.   Whether   the   application   is built    using    RESTful    micro    services architecture  or  asynchronous  pub/sub  or another   design   pattern,   ultimately   the

application components must have the capability to discover each other and must be configured and orchestrated using common set of properties. This enforces the need of a service discovery mechanism  and  methodologies  to  decouple  the  application  properties  from  actual  application components.

2.    Abstract / Business Case

A  cloud  ready  application  should  not  have  any  infrastructure  dependency.  The  application developers should not assume that the components will run on particular hosts or even ports. The developers can orchestrate the order in which services will be called but they cannot assume the physical location of those services. This leads to the need of “service discovery” design pattern.

Service discovery is needed so that application components can discover each other. Also all the business components should get registered as services in a centralized manner for monitoring and control purpose.

Externalized configuration may store the information about how the services need to be orchestrated along with other common application properties. This information must be externalized to be able to dynamically update at runtime and not impact any deployed application components.

Similarly   the   component/service   orchestration   details   and   other   configurations   must   be abstracted  and  isolated  from  deployed  components.  Any  changes  to  application  configuration

should be propagated to only the impacted components and should be transparent to rest of the application components.

While there are several  out of box  solutions for service discovery namely Consul,  Zookeeper, and  Eureka  etc.  this  paper  focuses  on  achieving  these  design  principles  using  Zookeeper  and Spring Netflix Eureka.

For externalized configuration, this paper will focus on Zookeeper and Spring Cloud Config.

3.    Problem Statement

Some  of  the  key  tenets  of  cloud  ready  application  are  service  discovery  and  externalized configuration.  This  paper  does  not  aim  to  cover  all  the  design  principles  of  a  cloud  ready architecture but focuses only on service discovery and externalized configuration.

The paper describes case studies of how the author applied these design principles using some out of the box solutions namely Zookeeper and Eureka and Spring cloud config.

The  case  studies  referenced  below  refer  to  a  cloud  ready  application  consisting  of  individual components/services.   These   components   are   wired   using   message   broker   and   RESTful endpoints.  Service  discovery  deals  with  the  scenario  of  inter  application  communication. Externalized   configuration   deals   with   the   scenario   of   dynamic   update   to   application configuration in a single place without restarting the application components.

4.    Proposed Solution(s)

4.1.First Solution – Eureka/Spring cloud config

4.1.1. Introduction of Solution

The first solution described here uses:
  Spring Netflix Eureka for service discovery
  Ribbon for load balancing
  Spring cloud config to externalize the topology configuration
  Spring actuator endpoints for environment details
  Eureka dashboard to view all the deployed component instances and the status

Further elaboration on Ribbon and actuator is out of scope for this paper.

4.1.2. Application of Solution

The application configuration/properties are stored GIT repository and application accesses the properties  via  Spring  Cloud  config  server.  Multiple  instances  of  Eureka  server  run  in  load balanced  mode  for  resilience.  Application  components  register  themselves  as  services  with Eureka which is monitored at instance level using Eureka dashboard. Components use Ribbon load balancer to for intra application communication.

Application  configuration/properties  are  externalized  in  GIT  repository  so  that  they  can  be independently updated without the need for restarting the components.

4.1.3. Advantages of Solution

Eureka  server  can  be  made  highly  available  by  deploying  multiple  instances  replicating  state about the registered services to the others.

Eureka uses the client heartbeat to determine if a client is up. The Eureka server  replicates the heart beat info across all its instances and does not have a backend store. The service registration cache is maintained at both server and client and it adds further to the resilience.

Major advantages here are strong resilience to failures and lesser turnaround time. Eureka clients use their in-memory cache of eureka registrations, so they don’t have to go to the registry for every single request to a service.

Another advantage is that in case of failure of heart beat replications between peers, the server has  the  intelligence  to  detect  this  situation  and  in  such  cases,  it  enters  into  a  self-preservation mode protecting the current state.

One out of the key features provided by Eureka is a built in dashboard which displays all the registered services along with additional details.

Sample Eureka Dashboards

Spring Cloud Config provides server and client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed  system.  Default  server  storage  back  end  uses  GIT  and  can  load  the  configuration based on different labels from GIT.

The configuration data formats can be YAML, Properties file or even plain text. Configuration change  in  GIT  repository  is  propagated  to  Config  Server  automatically.  However  specific implementation is needed to propagate config changes from Spring cloud server to all its clients.

On  startup,  Spring  config  client  binds  to  the  Spring  config  server  and  initializes  spring environment with remote property sources. Clients can discover Spring config server via Eureka service.

4.2.Second Solution - Zookeeper

4.2.1. Introduction of Solution

The  second  solution  primarily  uses  Spring  Cloud  Zookeeper  for  service  registration  and externalizing configuration. It also uses Spring Boot actuator endpoints for environment details.

4.2.2. Application of Solution

Application  configuration/properties  are  stored  in  Zookeeper  znodes.  Components  register themselves as services in Zookeeper.

A component use Zookeeper to discover another component/service. Application configuration is refreshed automatically whenever the configuration gets updated in Zookeeper.

Spring  Boot  actuator  endpoints  are  used  to  check  the  health  and  other  environment  details  of components.

As in case of previous solution, application configuration is externalized with Zookeeper so that it can be independently updated without the need for restarting the application component.

4.2.3. Advantages of solution

Zookeeper is used as the centralized service for maintaining both configuration information and service registration.

Zookeeper allows distributed processes to coordinate with each other through a shared hierarchal namespace. The name space is made up of data registers - called znodes. The znodes are very much similar to files and directories but znodes are kept in memory.

Zookeeper is replicated over a set of nodes that make up an ensemble. If one node fails, other nodes  can  serve  client  requests  as  long  as  majority  of  nodes  are  up.  Due  to  this  Zookeeper provides high performance and availability.

All write requests from clients are forwarded to a single server called leader who propagates the same to rest of the nodes called followers.

5.    Results / Conclusion

Zookeeper  and  Eureka  are  equally  good  for  service  discovery.  However,  we  need  to  consider various factors while considering one solution over the other which are described below.

While Zookeeper has a leader node which leads the quorum; there is no such dependency in case of Eureka.  In case of network  failure amongst nodes, Eureka nodes can  still operate normally whereas Zookeeper may need to deal with leader re-election.

Eureka services can be monitored with a readily  available  out  of  box  dashboard.

Service discovery is the primary use case for Eureka and externalized configuration is the primary use case for Spring Cloud Config. Though these use cases apply to Zookeeper as well, it can also be used for host of other reasons such as message queue, event broadcasting etc.

However Zookeeper znodes can only be monitored via a command line interface or JMX console.

Any    changes    to    configuration    are automatically      propagated      to      the application   components   in   Zookeeper. However  for  Spring  Cloud  config,  the

configuration changes in GIT are propagated only to Spring Config server not to the application components.  To  propagate  the  changes  further  to  application  components,  the  refresh  actuator endpoint of Spring config server must be used.

Another advantage of Zookeeper is that a single Zookeeper cluster can provide both features - service  registration  and  application  configuration.  However  separate  servers  are  needed  for Eureka and for config server.

With respect to externalized configuration, Spring cloud config can load files in any format (e.g. YAML) and transform automatically to object model using Spring framework. Whereas in case of Zookeeper, specific implementation is needed to load the configuration or needs to be done manually using command line interface.

Both these solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages. If service dashboard is not a priority  and  the  services  are  deployed  in  a  datacenter,  Zookeeper  may  be  a  good  choice. However,  if  service  dashboard  is  a  priority  and  services  are  deployed  in  cloud  environment, Eureka and String Cloud Config combination scores over Zookeeper.

In our case, the advantages of Eureka and Spring cloud config outweighed Zookeeper and hence we developed the solution with the first approach. We are yet to ascertain how these solutions behave in actual production environment.

6.    References

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